Counselling or Psychotherapy?
The terms Counselling and Psychotherapy both refer to types of talking therapy. Counselling is often thought of as a more short-term, solution focused approach to therapy where sessions are centred around a particular issue in comparison to Psychotherapy which is considered to be a more long-term engagement, often open ended and exploratory in nature.
What is an Integrative approach?
Integrative therapy is a method of talking therapy where the counsellor/psychotherapist incorporates different therapeutic modalities in their work with clients.
Throughout my training I studied the theory behind the different therapeutic schools of thought, including but not limited to; Psychodynamic, Psychoanalytic, Cognitive and Behavioural, Humanistic and Transpersonal approaches and how the interventions aligned to each could be used to offer a well-rounded and well-informed experience for clients based on what feels most appropriate for their needs.
As a result of my training and experience I refer to myself as an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counsellor/Counsellor/Psychotherapist interchangeably.
During sessions: Anything you disclose within our sessions (including the initial consultation) will be treated as confidential and not shared outside of the therapy space. Should a situation arise where you disclose something which could result in serious harm to yourself or others, as an ethical professional I am legally required to report this to an appropriate third party. In the event of such a situation occurring I will, where possible, endeavour to discuss this with you before proceeding to do so.
Note taking: I will keep a brief electronic record of each of our sessions in an anonymised note form where any identifying characteristics are removed. These notes will be stored securely and password protected.
As an additional quality standard I am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), an organisation which upholds the information rights of individuals in relation to the handling and privacy of their data.
Supervision: In order to ensure I am providing the best possible support for my clients I attend regular clinical supervision sessions with another experienced practitioner to discuss my work. These sessions act as a benchmark or check-in to ensure I am practicing in an ethical, safe and professional manner at all times. During these sessions whilst my client work is discussed no identifying characteristics will be shared.